§ 21-363. Manner of crossing right-of-way; cost.
After the contract is let and the actual construction is commenced, thesuperintendent in charge of construction shall notify the railroad company ofthe probable time at which the contractor will be ready to enter upon theright-of-way of the road and construct the work thereon. It shall be the dutyof the railroad to send a representative to view the ground with thesuperintendent of construction, and arrange the exact time at which such workcan be most conveniently done. The work shall be so planned and conducted asto interfere in the least possible manner with the business of the railroad;and shall be conducted under the supervision and direction of therepresentative of the railroad company. However, all work necessary in theroadbed of the railroad company, including all temporary and permanent work,shall be promptly done by the railroad company and paid for from the fund ofthe drainage project in the same manner as provided in § 21-359, coveringpublic highways.
(Code 1919, § 1768; 1954, c. 642.)