§ 22.1-4.1. Street addresses required in certain school admission documents.
Documents submitted for admission of any child to public schools in theCommonwealth, except such documents required in accordance with §§ 22.1-3.1and 22.1-270, shall include the street address or route number of eachpupil's residence. If no street address or route number exists for suchresidence, a post office box number shall be required.
If the pupil is a homeless child or youth as defined in subdivision 6 of §22.1-3, and for that reason the school division determines, on the basis ofthe affidavit of the person seeking to enroll the pupil, that a streetaddress, route number, or post office box number cannot be provided, it mayaccept an address in an alternate form it deems appropriate.
Address information provided under this section shall not be released to anyperson unless otherwise authorized by law.
(1997, c. 900; 2000, c. 209; 2004, c. 500.)