§ 22.1-176. Transportation of pupils authorized; when fee may be charged;contributions; regulations of Board of Education.
A. School boards may provide for the transportation of pupils, but nothingherein contained shall be construed as requiring such transportation exceptas provided in § 22.1-221.
B. When a school board provides transportation to pupils for extracurricularactivities, other than those covered by an activity fund, which are sponsoredby the pupils' school apart from the regular instructional program and whichthe pupils are not required to attend or participate in, the school board mayaccept contributions for such transportation or charge each pupil utilizingsuch transportation a reasonable fee not to exceed his pro rata share of thecost of providing such transportation. A school board may waive such fees forany pupil whose parent or guardian is financially unable to pay them.
C. When a school board provides transportation to pupils for field tripswhich are a part of the program of the pupils' school or are sponsored bysuch school, the school board may accept contributions for suchtransportation.
D. The Board of Education shall promulgate such regulations as shall be inthe public interest to effect the intent of this section.
(Code 1950, §§ 22-72.1, 22-97.1; 1954, c. 291; 1956, Ex. Sess., c. 60; 1959,Ex. Sess., c. 79, § 1; 1968, c. 501; 1970, c. 156; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 161;1972, c. 86; 1975, cc. 308, 328; 1976, c. 99; 1978, cc. 430, 527; 1980, c.559.)