§ 22.1-191. When Superintendent of Public Instruction to obtain insurance.
In every case in which a locality or its school board fails to obtain, or torequire vehicles operated under contract with it to be covered by, therequisite insurance by the twentieth of July of any year or fails to notifythe Superintendent of Public Instruction of the effectuation of requisiteinsurance on or before the first of August, it shall be the duty of theSuperintendent of Public Instruction, on or before the first of September, toobtain insurance complying with the requirements of this article on allvehicles, as far as known to or reasonably ascertainable by him, to be usedin the school division for school pupil and personnel transportation in theensuing session and to expend for this purpose the requisite amount out ofany state school funds otherwise distributable, or becoming distributable, tothe school division so in default.
(Code 1950, § 22-287; 1980, c. 559.)