§ 22.1-253.13:9. Virginia Index of Performance incentive program.
A. Schools and local school divisions shall be recognized by the Board ofEducation in accordance with guidelines it shall establish for the VirginiaIndex of Performance (VIP) incentive program. The VIP incentive program shallbe designed to recognize and reward fully accredited schools and schooldivisions that make significant progress toward achieving advancedproficiency levels in reading, mathematics, science, and history and socialscience, and on other indicators of school and student performance that arealigned with the Commonwealth's goals for public education. Such recognitionmay include:
1. Public announcements recognizing individual schools and divisions;
2. Tangible rewards;
3. Waivers of certain board regulations;
4. Exemptions from certain reporting requirements; or
5. Other commendations deemed appropriate to recognize high achievement.
In addition to Board recognition, local school boards shall adopt policies torecognize individual schools through public announcements or media releasesas well as other appropriate recognition.
B. A school that maintains a passing rate on Virginia assessment programtests or additional tests approved by the Board of 95 percent or above ineach of the four core academic areas for two consecutive years may, uponapplication to the Department of Education, receive a waiver from annualaccreditation. A school receiving such a waiver shall be fully accredited fora three-year period. However, such school shall continue to annually submitdocumentation in compliance with the pre-accreditation eligibilityrequirements.
C. Schools may be eligible to receive the Governor's Award for OutstandingAchievement. This award will be given to schools rated fully accredited thatsignificantly increase the achievement of students within student subgroupsin accordance with guidelines prescribed by the Board of Education.
(2010, cc. 38, 103.)