§ 22.1-199.4. At-Risk Student Academic Achievement Program and Fund.
A. From such funds as may be appropriated for such purpose and from suchgifts, donations, grants, bequests, and other funds as may be received on itsbehalf, there is hereby established the At-Risk Student Academic AchievementProgram, to be administered by the Board of Education, and a specialnonreverting fund within the Department of the Treasury known as the At-RiskStudent Academic Achievement Fund, hereafter referred to as the "Fund." TheFund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller, and any moneysremaining in such Fund at the end of the biennium shall not revert to thegeneral fund but shall remain in the Fund. Interest earned on such fundsshall remain in the Fund and be credited to it.
The Department of the Treasury shall administer and manage the Fund, subjectto the authority of the Board of Education to provide for its disbursement.The Fund shall be disbursed to award noncompetitive grants to public schooldivisions to implement research-based programs or programs identified as bestpractices that are designed to (i) improve the academic achievement ofat-risk public school students on the Standards of Learning assessments; (ii)decrease the rate of dropout among at-risk public school students; and (iii)increase the number of such students obtaining the advanced studies diploma.
B. The amount of grants and required local matching funds shall be determinedas provided in the appropriation act.
Funds received through this Program shall be used to supplement, notsupplant, any local funds currently provided for at-risk programs within theschool division.
C. The Board may issue guidelines governing the Program as it deems necessaryand appropriate.
(2004, c. 456.)