§ 22.1-209.01. School-to-work transition programs.
Effective on July 1, 1995, with such funds as may be appropriated for thispurpose, local school boards may establish school-to-work transition programsfor students enrolled in the public schools of the school division in gradesfive through twelve to prepare such students for postsecondary educationeligibility, employment, and advanced technical skills training. Indeveloping such programs, local school boards shall concentrate efforts onmeeting the particular academic needs of noncollege-bound students. However,college-bound students shall be allowed to participate in the programs. Toenhance such transition programs, school boards shall develop appropriateinteragency linkages with public and private institutions of highereducation, labor and industry councils, the business community,rehabilitative services providers, and employment and guidance services toassist such students in acquiring necessary work habits, developingmarketable skills, and identifying career goals through a broad range ofeducational and career opportunities and mentoring and apprenticeshipprograms.
(1995, c. 274.)