§ 22.1-212.11. Public charter school restrictions.
A. Local school boards may establish public charter schools within the schooldivision. Priority shall be given to public charter school applicationsdesigned to increase the educational opportunities of at-risk students, andat least one-half of the public charter schools per division shall be forat-risk students.
B. Local school boards shall report the grant or denial of public charterschool applications to the Board and shall specify the maximum number ofcharters that may be authorized, if any; the number of charters granted ordenied; and whether a public charter school is designed to increase theeducational opportunities of at-risk students.
C. Nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent a school that is theonly school in the division from applying to become a public charter school.
(1998, cc. 748, 890; 2000, cc. 631, 1028; 2002, cc. 851, 874; 2004, c. 530;2009, c. 441.)