§ 22.1-212.13. Employment of professional, licensed personnel.
A. Public charter school personnel shall be employees of the local schoolboard or boards granting the charter.
B. Professional, licensed education personnel may volunteer for assignment toa public charter school. Assignment in a public charter school shall be forone contract year. Upon request of the employee and the recommendation of themanagement committee of the public charter school, reassignment to the publiccharter school shall occur on an annual basis.
C. At the completion of each contract year, professional, licensed educationpersonnel who request assignment to a public noncharter school in therelevant school division or who are not recommended for reassignment in thepublic charter school, other than for the grounds cited in § 22.1-307, shallbe guaranteed an involuntary transfer to a public noncharter school in theschool division according to the employment policies of the school division.
D. Professional, licensed personnel of a public charter school shall begranted the same employment benefits given to professional, licensedpersonnel in public noncharter schools in accordance with the policies of therelevant school board or boards.
E. Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict the authority ofthe local school board to assign professional, licensed personnel to a publiccharter school or any other public school as provided in §§ 22.1-293 and22.1-295.
F. School boards may employ such health, mental health, social services, andother related personnel to serve in residential charter schools for at-riskpupils as set forth in the charter agreement between such school board andthe charter school; however, nothing herein shall require a school board tofund the residential or other services provided by a residential charterschool.
(1998, cc. 748, 890; 2000, cc. 631, 712, 1028.)