§ 22.1-223. Definitions.
As used in this article:
"Adult basic education" means education for adults that enables them toexpress themselves orally and in writing, read, access information andresources, make decisions, act independently and interact with others, andcontinue lifelong learning to cope with and compete successfully in a globaleconomy.
"Adult education program" means an instructional program below the collegecredit level provided by public schools for persons over the age ofcompulsory school attendance specified in § 22.1-254 who are not enrolled inthe regular public school program, including adult basic education, creditprograms, cultural adult education, external diploma programs, general adulteducation, and general educational development programs.
"Credit program" means a program of academic courses that are available toadults to enable them to complete the regular requirements for a high schooldiploma.
"Cultural adult education" means English for speakers of other languages(ESOL), the preparation of foreign-born adults for participation in Americanlife or for becoming American citizens, and other educational services forforeign-born adults.
"External diploma program" means a program in which adults who did notcomplete high school may earn a high school diploma by demonstrating with 100percent mastery the 65 competencies established and validated by the AmericanCouncil on Education.
"General adult education" means academic, cultural, and avocationalinstruction that may be obtained through programs other than high schoolcredit programs, a general educational development (GED) program, or anexternal diploma program (EDP).
"General educational development program" means a program of preparationand instruction for adults who did not complete high school, for students whohave been granted permission by the superintendent of the school division inwhich they are or were last enrolled to take the test for the generaleducational development certificate, and for those who have been ordered by acourt to participate in the program.
(Code 1950, § 22-360; 1978, c. 522; 1980, c. 559; 1999, c. 564; 2006, c. 335.)