§ 22.1-271.1. Definitions.
For the purpose of § 22.1-271.2:
"Admit" or "admission" means the official enrollment or reenrollment forattendance at any grade level, whether full-time or part-time, of any studentby any school.
"Admitting official" means the school principal or his designatedrepresentative if a public school; if a nonpublic school or child-carecenter, the principal, headmaster or director of the school or center.
"Documentary proof" means written certification that a student has beenimmunized, such certificate to be on a form provided by the State Departmentof Health and signed by the licensed immunizing physician or an employee ofthe immunizing local health department.
"Student" means any person who seeks admission to a school, or for whomadmission to a school is sought by a parent or guardian, and who will nothave attained the age of 20 years by the start of the school term for whichadmission is sought.
"Immunized" or "immunization" means initial immunization and any boostersor reimmunizations required by § 32.1-46.
"School" means (i) any public school from kindergarten through grade 12operated under the authority of any locality within the Commonwealth, (ii)any private or religious school that offers instruction at any level or gradefrom kindergarten through grade twelve, and (iii) any private or religiousnursery school or preschool, or any private or religious child-care centerrequired to be licensed by the Commonwealth.
(1982, c. 510; 1983, c. 433; 2005, c. 928.)