§ 22.1-290.1. Clinical faculty programs.
A. As used in this section, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Clinical faculty member" means a licensed public or private school teacherwho meets the standards of the board of visitors or other governing body foracceptance in an institution's clinical faculty program.
"Student teacher" means an individual enrolled in a program for trainingteachers in an accredited institution of higher education located in thisCommonwealth.
"Training institution" means an accredited public or private institution ofhigher education which has implemented a training program for public schoolteachers designed to improve skills in supervising and evaluating studentteachers.
B. Any board of visitors or other governing body of any public or private,accredited institution of higher education located in this Commonwealth mayestablish a clinical faculty program utilizing specially trained publicschool teachers as supervisors of student teachers. Any such program shallinclude the following components:
1. Any teacher accepted as a clinical faculty member shall be designatedadjunct faculty;
2. Prior to being assigned student teachers, all clinical faculty membersshall be required to attend training programs offered by accredited public orprivate institutions of higher education which are designed to improve theirskills in supervising and evaluating student teachers;
3. Clinical faculty members shall be given the responsibility for the gradingand evaluation of the student teachers assigned to them in cooperation withappropriate full-time faculty members at the institution; and
4. Such data on the clinical faculty program as may be required by the Boardof Education shall be provided by the institution in a timely manner.
C. Any college or university governing body choosing to implement a clinicalfaculty program shall develop standards for acceptance of public or privateschool teachers as clinical faculty members. Public or private schoolteachers may apply to the institution of higher education for acceptance asclinical faculty members for the purpose of supervising and evaluatingstudent teachers.
D. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the purposes of thissection such sums as the General Assembly may from time to time determine tobe necessary. The Board of Education shall serve as fiscal agent for thetraining institutions and the clinical faculty programs.
The Board shall allocate from such funds as are appropriated, moneys toparticipating training institutions for the purpose of compensating clinicalfaculty members. The Board, in consultation with the training institutions,shall set such compensation.
The Board shall, in cooperation with the State Council of Higher Education,set criteria for the programs implemented by the training institutions. TheBoard may also issue such guidelines as may be necessary for theimplementation of the provisions of this section. The training programcriteria set by the Board and the Council and the guidelines issued by theBoard shall not be subject to the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 etseq.). However, prior to establishing such criteria or issuing suchguidelines, the Board and the Council shall consult with the Office of theAttorney General and provide opportunity for public comment.
(1990, c. 800; 1992, c. 132.)