§ 22.1-291.3. Notice of duty to report child abuse or neglect.
Each public school board and each administrator of every private or parochialschool shall post, in each of their schools, a notice, pursuant to §63.2-1509, that: (i) any teacher or other person employed in a public orprivate school who has reason to suspect that a child is an abused orneglected child, including any child who may be abandoned, is required toreport such suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to local or statesocial services agencies or the person in charge of the relevant school orhis designee; and (ii) all persons required to report cases of suspectedchild abuse or neglect are immune from civil or criminal liability oradministrative penalty or sanction on account of such reports unless suchperson has acted in bad faith or with malicious purpose. The notice shallalso include the Virginia Department of Social Services' toll-free childabuse and neglect hotline.
(2004, cc. 710, 752.)