§ 22.1-298.2. Regulations governing education preparation programs.
A. As used in this section:
"Assessment of basic skills" means an assessment prescribed by the Board ofEducation that an individual must take prior to admission into an approvededucation preparation program, as prescribed by the Board of Education in itsregulations.
B. Education preparation programs shall meet the requirements foraccreditation and program approval as prescribed by the Board of Education inits regulations.
C. The Board of Education regulations shall provide for education preparationprograms offered by institutions of higher education, Virginia public schooldivisions, and certified providers for alternate routes to licensure.
D. The Board shall prescribe an assessment of basic skills for individualsseeking entry into an approved education preparation program and shallestablish a minimum passing score for such assessment. The Board also mayprescribe other requirements for admission to Virginia's approved educationpreparation programs in its regulations.
E. The Board shall establish accountability measures for approved educationprograms. Data shall be submitted to the Board on not less than a biennialbasis.
(2006, cc. 27, 349.)