§ 22.1-299.3. Three-year local eligibility license.
A. Local school boards shall be authorized, upon recommendation of the localsuperintendent, to issue a valid three-year nonrenewable local eligibilitylicense to classroom teacher candidates in accordance with the followingcriteria:
1. No such license shall be issued to teachers providing instruction inspecial education, and the issuance of such license shall be restricted tothose teachers providing instruction in courses that do not represent coreacademic areas as defined by the federal No Child Left Behind Act, P.L.107-110, as it may be amended.
2. No more than 10 percent of the classroom teachers employed by the relevantlocal school division shall hold such local licenses, based on the number ofclassroom teachers employed by such school division during the precedingschool year.
3. The applicant for a three-year local eligibility license shall have earneda baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher education andshall have such experience or training in a subject or content area as thelocal school board and superintendent may deem appropriate for the intendedteaching assignment.
4. The holder of a three-year local eligibility license shall be required tocomplete such training within the three-year licensure period as may bespecified by the division superintendent, the school board, and standardsprescribed by the Board of Education which shall include, but need not belimited to, curriculum and instruction, including educational technology,reading, and other specific course content relating to the Standards ofLearning, differentiation of instruction, classroom/behavior management, andhuman growth and development.
5. The local eligibility license shall only be valid within the issuingschool division.
6. No local eligibility license shall be issued if the teachercandidate/applicant is eligible for a collegiate professional or postgraduateprofessional license issued by the Department of Education.
7. Teachers issued a three-year local eligibility license shall be consideredprobationary teachers, shall not be eligible for continuing contract statuswhile employed under the authority of a local license, and shall be subjectto the probationary terms of employment specified in § 22.1-303.
B. Except as specified in this section and § 22.1-303, a teacher employedwhile holding a local eligibility license shall be entitled and subject toall other requirements and rights provided by law or regulation.
C. Any teacher employed pursuant to a local eligibility license shall beissued a collegiate professional or postgraduate professional license uponthe expiration of the local eligibility license upon satisfaction of thefollowing conditions: (i) recommendation by the division superintendent andthe school board for such licensure; (ii) the completion of three successfulyears of teaching experience while holding a valid three-year localeligibility license as certified by the division superintendent and theschool board; (iii) achieving a satisfactory score on the professionalteacher's examinations required by the Board; and (iv) such standards as maybe prescribed by the Board of Education.
D. Local school boards shall provide to the Board of Education informationabout teachers receiving local eligibility licenses and other data related tothe local school division's issuance of eligibility licenses as prescribed bythe Board. The Board is authorized to revoke and reinstate a local schoolboard's authority to issue local eligibility licenses upon a determination ofany violation of this section.
(2000, c. 689; 2004, c. 920.)