§ 22.1-300. Tuberculosis certificate.
As a condition to employment, every public school employee, including withoutlimitation teachers, cafeteria workers, janitors and bus drivers, shallsubmit a certificate signed by a licensed physician, or by a registered nurselicensed pursuant to Article 2 (§ 54.1-3016 et seq.) of Chapter 30 of Title54.1, stating that such employee appears free of communicable tuberculosis.Such certificate shall be based on recorded results of such skin tests,X-rays and other examinations, singly or in combination, as are deemednecessary by a licensed physician that have been performed within the twelvemonths' period immediately preceding submission of the certificate. Afterconsulting with the local health director, any school board may require thesubmission of such certificates annually, or at such intervals as it deemsappropriate, as a condition to continued employment.
(Code 1950, § 22-249; 1968, c. 445; 1970, c. 526; 1973, c. 491; 1974, c. 160;1977, c. 220; 1979, c. 262; 1980, c. 559; 1994, c. 68; 2000, c. 476.)