§ 22.1-305.1. Mentor teacher programs.
A. The Board of Education shall establish, from such funds as may beappropriated by the General Assembly, mentor teacher programs utilizingspecially trained public school teachers as mentors to provide assistance andprofessional support to teachers entering the profession and to improve theperformance of experienced teachers who are not performing at an acceptablelevel.
The Board shall issue guidelines for such mentor teacher programs and shallset criteria for beginning and experienced teacher participation, includingself-referral, and the qualifications and training of mentor teachers. Suchguidelines shall provide that the mentor programs be administered by localschool boards, with the assistance of an advisory committee made up ofteachers and administrators, and that mentors (i) be classroom teachers whohave achieved continuing contract status and who work in the same building asthe teachers they are assisting or be instructional personnel who areassigned solely as mentors; (ii) be assigned a limited number of teachers atany time; however, instructional personnel who are not assigned solely asmentors should not be assigned to more than four teachers at any time; and(iii) guide teachers in the program through demonstrations, observations, andconsultations to promote instructional excellence. Local school boards shallstrive to provide adequate release time for mentor teachers during thecontract day.
B. The Board shall serve as fiscal agent for the participating school boardsin matters concerning the mentor teacher programs. The Board shall allocate,from such funds as are appropriated, moneys to participating school divisionsfor the purpose of supporting such programs which shall include, but not belimited to, compensation for mentor teachers.
(1989, c. 516; 1999, cc. 1030, 1037.)