§ 22.1-310. Election of hearing before fact-finding panel prior to decisionof school board.
A. In the event a grievance, other than a grievance to which the provisionsof § 22.1-309 are applicable, is not settled at a lower step, the teacher orthe school board may elect to have a hearing by a fact-finding panel asprovided in § 22.1-312 prior to a decision by the school board.
B. In the case of a grievance to which the provisions of § 22.1-309 areapplicable, the teacher or the school board may elect, within fifteen daysafter the teacher receives the notice referred to in § 22.1-309, to have ahearing by a fact-finding panel as provided in § 22.1-312 prior to a decisionby the school board.
C. In no grievance after a hearing by a fact-finding panel shall the teacherhave a right to a further hearing by the school board as provided insubsection D of § 22.1-313, except in the case of a grievance to which theprovisions of § 22.1-309 are applicable where the school board elected tohave a hearing by a fact-finding panel. A school board shall have the rightto require a further hearing as provided in subsection D of § 22.1-313 in anygrievance.
(Code 1950, § 22-217.6:1; 1979, c. 298; 1980, c. 559.)