§ 22.1-346. Transfer of property; rights and duties of the Board of Visitorsof the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind; supervision of school;appointment and removal of officers and faculty; certain funding initiatives.
A. All of the real estate and personal property now existing at the VirginiaSchool for the Deaf and the Blind at Staunton and standing in the name of theBoard of Education shall be transferred to and be under the control of theBoard of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind. TheDepartment of General Services shall cooperate with the Board in supervisingthe maintenance and repair of the real and personal property of the school.
B. Any gift, grant, devise or bequest made prior to July 1, 1984, to theVirginia School for the Deaf and the Blind at Staunton shall be held by theBoard of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind for theschool. The Board shall have the power to take, hold, receive and enjoy anygift, grant, devise or bequest made hereafter to the Virginia School for theDeaf and the Blind. Such gift, grant, devise or bequest shall be held foruses and purposes designated by the donor or if not designated for a specificpurpose, for the general purposes of any programs of the school. The Boardshall provide fiduciary administration of such funds, including investments,disbursements, accounting, and financial reporting. The Board shall alsoaccept, execute and administer any trust in which it may have an interestunder the terms of the instrument creating the trust.
C. The Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blindshall be charged with the operational control of the Virginia School for theDeaf and the Blind at Staunton. In exercising this operational control, theBoard shall include, in any budget recommendations to the Governor for statefunding for the several school divisions which may be related to educationaltechnology or other programs appropriate for implementation within theschool, state funding for such programs to be provided to the Virginia Schoolfor the Deaf and the Blind. However, the Virginia School for the Deaf and theBlind shall not be defined as a school division for constitutional purposes.Supervision of the contracts and agreements of the Virginia School for theDeaf and the Blind are hereby transferred to the Board of Visitors of theVirginia School for the Deaf and the Blind.
The Board shall provide rules and regulations for the governance of theschool. The Board shall administer, supervise and direct the activities andprograms of the school pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Board.The Board shall appoint the officers and employees of the school subject tothe provisions of Chapter 29 (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.) of Title 2.2.
(1984, c. 413; 1998, c. 66; 2000, c. 285; 2009, c. 210.)