§ 22.1-18.1. Annual report on gifted education required; local advisorycommittee on gifted education.
Each local school board shall submit the annual report, "Programs for GiftedEducation," as required by Board regulations, to the Department of Education.
Each school board shall appoint, in accordance with the regulations of theBoard of Education, a local advisory committee on gifted education. The localadvisory committee on gifted education shall annually review the local planfor the education of gifted students, including revisions, and determine theextent to which the plan for the previous year was implemented. The commentsand recommendations of the local advisory committee on gifted education shallbe submitted in writing directly to the school board and the superintendent.
A school board shall comply with Board regulations governing gifted educationrelative to the use of multiple criteria for the identification of giftedstudents.
With such funds as may be appropriated for this purpose, the Department ofEducation shall conduct an annual review of all local gifted educationprograms, on such date as it may determine, to ensure full implementation andcompliance with federal and state laws and regulations governing giftededucation. The Department may conduct the review as an on-site observation orrequire certification of compliance from the division superintendent.
(1998, c. 879; 1999, c. 554.)