§ 22.1-19. Accreditation of elementary, middle, and high schools; nurseryschools; recognition of certain organizations; child day center regulation.
The Board shall provide for the accreditation of public elementary, middle,and high schools in accordance with standards prescribed by it. The Board mayprovide for the accreditation of private elementary, middle, and high schoolsin accordance with standards prescribed by it, taking reasonably into accountthe special circumstances and factors affecting such private schools. TheBoard in its discretion may recommend provisions for standards for privatenursery schools. Any such accreditation shall be at the request of theprivate school only.
For the purposes of facilitating the transfer of academic credits forstudents who have attended private schools and are enrolling in publicschools, and to meet the requirements of § 63.2-1717, the Board of Educationshall authorize, in a manner it deems appropriate, the Virginia Council forPrivate Education to accredit private nursery, preschool, elementary, andsecondary schools.
The Board shall promulgate accreditation regulations that incorporate, butmay exceed, the regulations for child day centers promulgated by the ChildDay-Care Council, for those child day centers described in subdivision A 7 of§ 63.2-1715.
(Code 1950, § 22-21; 1954, c. 326; 1968, c. 281; 1980, c. 559; 1991, c. 178;1993, cc. 730, 742; 2000, c. 535.)