§ 22.1-356. The Hampton Roads Museum Consortium created; region defined;governing board.
A. The Hampton Roads Museum Consortium is hereby established and shallhereinafter be referred to as the Consortium. For the purposes of thischapter and the work of the Consortium, "Hampton Roads" shall include thejurisdictions located within the boundaries of Planning District 23,including the Counties of Gloucester, Isle of Wight, James City, Southampton,and York; and the Cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Hampton, Newport News,Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and Williamsburg. TheConsortium may consist of any or all accredited museums located withinHampton Roads that are not state agencies. Other museums and culturalfacilities located in Hampton Roads may join the Consortium upon the approvalof the governing board. The governing board of the Consortium shall consistof the chief executive officer of each of the member museums. The region'slegislators may serve as nonvoting, advisory members to assist in theperformance of the Consortium's duties.
B. No board members shall receive compensation or reimbursement for expensesincurred in the performance of their duties. The board shall elect a chairmanand a vice-chairman from among its members and may provide such rules as itconsiders appropriate concerning its membership, quorum, and establishment ofcommittees.
(2001, c. 472.)