§ 22.1-27. Contracts to furnish facilities and services.
A. A school board may enter into a contract with the school board of anadjacent school division for furnishing public school facilities and forschool services.
B. Any contract for services may stipulate that the school division which isreceiving services may have a representative on the school board of theschool division which is providing services with the approval of thegoverning bodies of each political subdivision involved. For the term of thecontract, any such representative shall have all the rights, duties andresponsibilities of the members of the school board of the division providingservices, including compensation as set forth by law, but he shall notparticipate in or vote on any matter involving the continuation of suchschool services or the interpretation or construction of the provisions of oramendment to or continuation of the contract.
C. Any such representative shall be appointed in the same manner as themembers of the school board of the school division which is receivingservices and may be a member of such school board. The representative shallserve a term of four years beginning the first day of July following hisappointment. However, if the contract goes into effect on a date other thanJuly 1, the term of the initial representative shall commence on theeffective date of the contract and shall expire on the fourth June 30following his appointment.
(1980, c. 559; 1989, c. 197.)