§ 22.1-47.4. Benefits, expenses, and reimbursements for the school boardmembers of certain county.
An elected school board of a school division comprised of a county having thecounty manager plan of government may, in accordance with the proceduresapplicable to the setting of its salary, grant itself fringe benefits,expenses, and reimbursements, or any of them, as it deems appropriate, and inthe manner and form as such fringe benefits, expenses, and reimbursements areprovided for school board employees. Such school board serving a countyhaving the county manager plan of government whose membership totals five mayestablish such fringe benefits, expenses, and reimbursements by July 1 in anyyear in which two of the five members are to be elected. Any such fringebenefits, expenses, and reimbursements shall become effective on January 1 ofthe following year.
(2004, c. 532; 2006, c. 126.)