§ 22.1-76. Chairman; clerk; vice-chairman; deputy clerk; terms; compensationand bonds of clerk and deputy clerk; officers ineligible to serve as clerkand deputy clerk; approval of division superintendent's designee.
A. Except as provided in § 22.1-57.3:3, at its annual meeting each schoolboard shall elect one of its members as chairman, shall approve a designee ofthe division superintendent to attend meetings of the school board in theabsence or inability to attend of the superintendent and on recommendation ofthe division superintendent shall appoint a clerk of the school board. Theschool board may also elect one of its members as vice-chairman and mayappoint a deputy clerk who shall be empowered to act in all matters in caseof the absence or inability to act of the chairman or clerk, respectively, oras otherwise provided by resolution of the school board. The term of thechairman, clerk and any vice-chairman and deputy clerk shall be one year.
B. The school board shall fix the compensation of the clerk and any deputyclerk.
C. The school board shall require the clerk and any deputy clerk each tofurnish a corporate surety bond conditioned upon the faithful performance anddischarge of his duties as such. The school board shall fix the amount ofeach bond which shall not be less than $10,000. The premium for each bondshall be paid by the school board.
D. No mayor, member of the governing body, other officer or deputy officer ofa city, town or county, other than the division superintendent, shall beeligible for appointment as clerk or deputy clerk of a school board in suchcity, town or county.
(Code 1950, §§ 22-48, 22-48.1, 22-48.2, 22-71, 22-98; 1952, cc. 280, 593;1954, c. 638; 1980, c. 559; 1995, c. 842.)