§ 22.1-111. Trust funds.
In cases where funds or other property are held by trustees for purposes ofpublic school education, a school board shall have the power and duty toexamine into the manner in which such trusts are administered. All suchtrustees shall render reports to the school board whenever called on andafford every facility needed by the school board to obtain a fullunderstanding of all the points connected with such administration. If suchexamination reveals any defect or irregularity in the administration of suchtrust funds or other property, it shall be the duty of the school board toinstitute prompt proceedings for carrying the matter before the courts. Incases where donations or other funds have been set apart for the education ofthe poor, a school board is authorized to receive and apply the same inconnection with the public schools in obedience to the will of the donor.Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to the twenty-fifthclause of the will of Samuel Miller, deceased, or in anywise to affect orimpair any rights or interests whatsoever, either public or private, arisingunder such clause.
(Code 1950, § 22-144; 1980, c. 559.)