§ 22.1-113. Town school division's share of county school funds.
A. Funds to be paid by county treasurer to town treasurer. - For the benefitof each school division composed of a town, the treasurer of the county inwhich the town is located shall pay over to the town treasurer, if and whenproperly bonded, the following funds to be used for public school purposeswithin such town school division:
1. From the amount derived from a county school levy for public schoolpurposes, a sum equal to the pro rata amount from such levy derived from suchtown;
2. From federal funds allocated to and received by the county on the basis offederally-connected pupils for operations or capital outlay purposes, to beapportioned between the county and the town on the same basis of distributionas used in making the allotment of such federal funds to the county and inthe ratio that such federally-connected pupils residing in the town bear tothe total of such federally-connected pupils residing in the county includingthe town and which were included in the county's application for such federalfunds.
B. Division located in adjoining counties. - Where a town school division islocated partly in each of two adjoining counties and operated by a townschool board created or constituted by the charter of such town, each countytreasurer shall pay over to the town treasurer, if and when properly bonded,from the amount derived from a county school levy or appropriations in eachrespective county for public school purposes, a sum equal to the pro rataamount from such levy or appropriations derived from such town to be used forpublic school purposes within the town school division.
C. State funds from special sources. - None of the provisions of this sectionshall require the county treasurer to pay over to the town treasurer of atown school division any funds received from the Commonwealth from specialsources, including funds distributed to the localities from the profitrealized from the operation of the state alcoholic beverage control system,when the town has received direct appropriations or allocations from theCommonwealth from the same special sources.
(Code 1950, § 140.1; 1972, c. 663; 1980, c. 559.)