§ 22.1-130. Authority to acquire property from United States or any agencythereof.
A. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law or of any charter or anyordinance, any school board may, by resolution, authorize the acquisition andpurchase from the United States or any agency thereof of any equipment,supplies, materials, or other property, real or personal, in such manner assuch school board may determine.
B. It is the purpose of this section to enable school boards to secure fromtime to time promptly the benefits of acquisitions and purchases asauthorized by this section, to aid them in securing advantageous purchases,to prevent unemployment and thereby to assist in promotion of public welfareand to these ends school boards shall have power to do all things necessaryor convenient to carry out such purpose, in addition to the expressed powerconferred by this section. This section is remedial in nature and the powershereby granted shall be liberally construed.
(Code 1950, § 22-151; 1980, c. 559.)