§ 22.1-132.2. Integrated pest management on school property.
The Department of Education shall make information available to school boardson integrated pest management programs that appropriately address theapplication of chemical pesticides and other pest control measures on schoolproperty. For purposes of this section, "integrated pest management" shallmean a managed pest control and suppression program that uses variousintegrated methods to keep pests from causing economic, health-related, oraesthetic injury and minimizes the use of pesticides and the risk to humanhealth and the environment associated with pesticide applications. Methodsmay include the utilization of site or pest inspections, pest populationmonitoring, evaluation of control requirements, and the use of one or morepest control methods including sanitation, structural repair, nonchemicalmethods, and pesticides when nontoxic options produce unsatisfactory resultsor are impractical. Each local school division shall maintain documentationof any pesticide application that includes the target pest, the formulationapplied, and the specific location of the application. The guidelines andprograms adopted pursuant to this section shall permit the immediateapplication of pesticides or other effective control measures to eradicatepest infestations that pose an acute danger to students and staff.
(2009, c. 440; 2010, c. 40.)