§ 22.1-138. Minimum standards for public school buildings.
A. The Board of Education shall prescribe by regulation minimum standards forthe erection of or addition to public school buildings governinginstructional, operational, health and maintenance facilities where these arenot specifically addressed in the Uniform Statewide Building Code.
B. By July 1, 1994, every school building in operation in the Commonwealthshall be tested for radon pursuant to procedures established by the UnitedStates Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for radon measurements inschools.
School buildings and additions opened for operation after July 1, 1994, shallbe tested for radon pursuant to such EPA procedures and regulationsprescribed by the Board of Education pursuant to subsection A of thissection. Each school shall maintain files of its radon test results and makesuch files available for review. The division superintendent shall reportradon test results to the Department of Health.
(1980, c. 559; 1993, c. 765.)