§ 23-9.13:1. Institutes for training teachers, administrators and librarians;guidelines to be developed by the State Council of Higher Education.
A. From such funds as may be appropriated for this purpose and from suchgifts, donations, grants, bequests, and other funds as may be received on itsbehalf, the Council shall establish institutes providing in-service trainingin the effective use of educational technology for teachers, administratorsand librarians in the elementary and secondary schools and equivalent adulteducation and literacy programs in the Commonwealth.
B. The institutes shall be established at sites that may include two-year andfour-year public institutions of higher education.
C. The State Council of Higher Education shall, in consultation with theVirginia Department of Education and the accredited teacher educationprograms of the Commonwealth's institutions of higher education, developguidelines to seek to ensure that all students matriculating inteacher-training programs meet the standards embodied in Virginia'sTechnology Standards for Instructional Personnel and have the requisiteskills for the implementation of the Board of Education's Six-YearEducational Technology Plan for Virginia.
(1996, c. 504; 1997, c. 827; 1999, c. 562; 2000, cc. 96, 533, 546.)