§ 23-9.3. Creation and purpose; membership; terms; officers.
(a) There is hereby created a State Council of Higher Education for Virginia,hereinafter sometimes referred to as the Council. The purpose of the Councilshall be, through the exercise of the powers and performance of the dutiesset forth in this chapter, to promote the development and operation of aneducationally and economically sound, vigorous, progressive, and coordinatedsystem of higher education in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Council shallbe composed of persons selected from the Commonwealth at large without regardto political affiliation but with due consideration of geographicalrepresentation. Appointees shall be selected for their ability and allappointments shall be of such nature as to aid the work of the Council and toinspire the highest degree of cooperation and confidence. No officer,employee, trustee or member of the governing board of any institution ofhigher education, no employee of the Commonwealth, except the Superintendentof Public Instruction, or member of the General Assembly or member of theState Board of Education shall be eligible for appointment to the Councilexcept as hereinafter specified. All members of the Council shall be deemedmembers at large charged with the responsibility of serving the bestinterests of the whole Commonwealth. No member shall act as therepresentative of any particular region or of any particular institution ofhigher education.
(b) The Council shall consist of eleven members appointed by the Governorsubject to confirmation by the General Assembly at its next regular session.All terms shall begin July 1. Members shall be appointed for four-year terms,except that appointments to fill vacancies occurring shall be for theunexpired term.
(c) No person having served on the Council for two terms of four years shallbe eligible for reappointment to the Council for two years thereafter.
(d) [Repealed.]
(e) The Council shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman from its ownmembership and appoint a secretary and such other officers as it deemsnecessary or advisable, and shall prescribe their duties and term of office.
(1956, c. 311; 1964, c. 597; 1970, c. 117; 1972, c. 210; 1974, c. 544; 1980,c. 728; 1991, c. 590.)