§ 23-9.3:1. Student advisory committee.
The State Council of Higher Education shall appoint a student advisorycommittee comprised of students enrolled in public institutions of highereducation in the Commonwealth and students enrolled in private and accreditedinstitutions of higher education in the Commonwealth, whose primary purposeis to provide collegiate or graduate education and not to provide religioustraining. Appointments shall be made in a manner to ensure broad studentrepresentation from among such institutions.
All appointments shall be made for a term of one year each, except thatappointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired term. Members ofthe student advisory committee may be reappointed to serve subsequent orconsecutive terms.
The State Council shall ensure that at least one member of the studentadvisory committee is reappointed each year. The student advisory committeeshall elect a chairman from among its members.
The advisory committee shall meet at least twice annually and shall advisethe State Council of Higher Education regarding such matters as may comebefore the advisory committee.
(2003, c. 710; 2006, c. 92; 2009, c. 434.)