§ 23-9.9. Preparation of budget requests; submission of budget requests toCouncil; coordinating requests; submission of recommendations to Governor andGeneral Assembly.
The Council of Higher Education shall develop policies, formulae andguidelines for the fair and equitable distribution and use of public fundsamong the public institutions of higher education, taking into accountenrollment projections and recognizing differences as well as similarities ininstitutional missions. Such policies, formulae and guidelines as aredeveloped by the Council shall include provisions for operating expenses andcapital outlay programs and shall be utilized by all public institutions ofhigher education in preparing requests for appropriations. The Council shallconsult with the Department of Planning and Budget in the development of suchpolicies, formulae and guidelines to insure that they are consistent with therequirements of the Department of Planning and Budget.
Not less than thirty days prior to submitting its biennial budget request tothe Governor, the governing board of each public institution of highereducation shall transmit to the Council such selected budgetary informationrelating to its budget request for maintenance and operation and for capitaloutlay as the Council shall reasonably require. The Council shall analyzesuch information in light of the Council's plans, policies, formulae andguidelines and shall submit to the Governor recommendations for approval ormodification of each institution's request together with a rationale for eachsuch recommendation. The Council shall make available to the General Assemblyits analyses and recommendations concerning institutional budget requests.
Nothing herein shall prevent any institution from appearing through itsrepresentatives or otherwise before the Governor and his advisory committeeon the budget, the General Assembly or any committee thereof at any time.
(1956, c. 311; 1974, c. 544; 1991, c. 590.)