§ 23-9.9:01. Reports of expenditures of state funds.
A. The governing body of each public institution of higher education shallprovide the State Council of Higher Education annual data indicating theapportionment and amounts of expenditures that the relevant institutionexpends by category, including academic costs, administration, research, andpublic service, as defined by the Council. The Council shall compile andsubmit a report of such data annually to the Governor and the GeneralAssembly.
B. The Director of the State Council of Higher Education shall, on or beforeOctober 1, 2009, and every two years thereafter, solicit from each publicinstitution of higher education that has received restructured financial andoperational authority a list of procurements that were competed with theprivate sector that appear on the Commonwealth Competition Council'scommercial activities list and were, until that time, being performed by eachpublic institution of higher education during the previous two years, and theoutcome of that competition. The Director shall make the lists available tothe public on the State Council of Higher Education's website.
(2003, c. 184; 2007, c. 630.)