§ 23-1.1. Report of athletic receipts and disbursements.
It shall be the duty of the president or chairman of the board of visitors ortrustees of every state institution of higher learning which maintains anintercollegiate athletic program to cause to be made out by the properofficer of such institution, and forwarded to the Comptroller annually byDecember thirty-first a detailed statement of all athletic receipts anddisbursements of such institution and of any affiliated committee, group,corporation or association charged with administering the athletic program.Such report shall include all receipts from admission tickets, programs,refreshment concessions, radio, television, newsreel or movie rights, and allother receipts related to any athletic contest or event. The report ofdisbursements shall include the name of each person, firm or corporation towhom such disbursement was made and the amount thereof. The report shall bekept on file by the Comptroller and shall be open to public inspection at allreasonable times.
(1952, c. 172; 1979, c. 630.)