§ 23-2.2. Reporting of certain students issued student visas.
Each public and private two- and four-year institution of higher education inthe Commonwealth and the governing board, president, or director of anycorrespondence school, postsecondary school, or proprietary career school, asdefined in § 23-276.1, or flight school in the Commonwealth shall inform theAttorney General of the Commonwealth whenever a student who has been acceptedfor admission to such an educational institution pursuant to a student visafails to enroll or who has been attending such an educational institutionpursuant to a student visa and withdraws at such institution or violates theterms of his visa. The notification shall contain all available informationfrom the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service form I-20 and shall besubmitted not later than thirty days after the discovery of the reportableevent.
The Attorney General shall notify the U.S. Immigration and NaturalizationService and other appropriate national, state, and local agencies of any suchfailure to enroll, withdrawal, or student visa violations.
This section shall be effective until superceded by federal action.
(2002, c. 367.)