§ 23-3.1. Conveyance of property and appropriation of funds to Commonwealthfor certain educational purposes.
The governing body of any county, city or town may, subject to written advicefrom the Governor that the gift is acceptable, convey to the Commonwealth bydeed of gift any land, either heretofore or hereafter acquired, which, in thediscretion of such governing body, is not required for the purposes of suchcounty, city, or town, provided such land is to be used for theestablishment, operation or maintenance of a branch of a state-supportedcollege or university. For the purpose of acquiring such land the governingbody may appropriate a portion of the general funds of such county, city ortown.
The governing body of any county, city or town may appropriate a portion ofthe public funds thereof for capital outlays in connection with, and theoperation or maintenance of, any state-supported college or university orbranch thereof.
(1995, c. 250.)