§ 23-5. Payment of interest on bonds of State held by colleges, etc.
The Comptroller is authorized and directed to draw upon the state treasury infavor of the proper authorities of any incorporated college, institution, orseminary of learning, or manual labor school, in this Commonwealth, for allinterest which has accrued, or may hereafter accrue, and as the same may falldue, upon all obligations of the Commonwealth, or of the James River andKanawha Company, guaranteed by the Commonwealth, held by or for such college,institution, or seminary of learning, or manual labor school, or to whichthey were entitled, on the first day of January, 1882, so long as they maycontinue to hold the same; provided, that no interest shall be paid upon anybonds, the payment of which is forbidden by the Constitution.
(Code 1919, § 990.)