§ 23-9.2:3.02. Articulation, transfer, and dual enrollment and admissionsagreements; admission of certain community college graduates.
A. The governing board of each four-year public institution of highereducation shall develop, consistent with the State Council of HigherEducation Guidelines and the institution's six-year plan as set forth in §23-9.2:3.03, articulation, transfer, and dual enrollment and admissionsagreements with uniform application to all institutions within the VirginiaCommunity College System and any two-year public institution of highereducation that (i) meet appropriate general education and programrequirements at the four-year institutions; (ii) provide additionalopportunities for associate degree graduates to be admitted and enrolled; and(iii) establish dual admissions programs for qualified students to besimultaneously accepted by a community college and, contingent upon thesuccessful completion of an acceptable associate degree program from thecommunity college, by the four-year public institution of higher education.
B. The State Council of Higher Education for Virginia shall submit an annualreport to the Senate Committee on Education and Health and the HouseCommittee on Education specifying the total number of transfer students eachinstitution of higher education admitted, enrolled, and graduated frominstitutions within the Virginia Community College System.
C. Students enrolling at an institution within the Virginia Community CollegeSystem or a two-year public institution of higher education may declare anintention in writing to transfer to a four-year public institution of highereducation in Virginia having an articulation agreement with the relevantcommunity college or two-year public institution. If a student (i) completesan associate degree within four years of submitting a written declaration ofintent to transfer to a four-year public institution of higher education inVirginia and (ii) enrolls in such an institution within 18 months ofcompleting an associate degree, the articulation agreement in force at thetime of the student's declaration shall determine those credits that will betransferred from the community college or two-year public institution to thefour-year public institution upon successful completion of an associatedegree.
D. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the admission ofstudents of the Virginia Community College System by a four-year publicinstitution of higher education.
E. The State Council of Higher Education, consistent with its responsibilityto facilitate the development of articulation, transfer, and dual enrollmentand admissions agreements set forth in §§ 23-9.6:1 and 23-9.14:2, shalldevelop guidelines for such agreements, including the conditions required toestablish dual admissions programs for qualified students to besimultaneously accepted by a community college and a four-year publicinstitution of higher education and, upon successful completion of anacceptable associate degree program from the community college, to beautomatically enrolled in the four-year institution of higher education. Dualadmissions agreements shall set forth (i) the obligations of the studentsaccepted in such programs, including grade point average requirements,acceptable associate degree majors, and completion timetables; and (ii) thestudent's access to the privileges of enrollment in both institutions duringthe time enrolled in either institution.
(2005, c. 818; 2006, cc. 379, 531; 2007, c. 46.)