§ 23-9.2:3.03. Six-year institutional plans; annual assessment by StateCouncil.
A. The governing boards of the public institutions of higher education shalldevelop and adopt biennially a six-year plan for the relevant institution.Each governing board shall submit the plan to the State Council, theGovernor, and the respective chairs of the House Committee on Appropriationsand the Senate Committee on Finance no later than October 1 of eachodd-numbered year.
B. Each plan shall address the institution's academic, financial, andenrollment plans (to include the proportion of in-state and out-of-statestudents) for the six-year period. The plans shall be structured inaccordance with the goals and objectives included in subsection B of §23-38.88 and in a form and manner prescribed by the State Council, inconsultation with the Secretary of Finance and the Director of the Departmentof Planning and Budget.
C. Such plans shall include financial planning reflecting the level ofresources anticipated from the general fund assuming (i) no increase ingeneral fund support for the subsequent biennial budget cycles and (ii)incremental general fund support based upon a general fund share for costsfor all in-state students as set forth in the current biennial budget. Theplan shall also include the anticipated tuition and fee charges required by(a) degree level and (b) domiciliary status to generate sufficient nongeneralfund revenues, as well as the institution's strategies for providingsufficient financial aid to mitigate the impact of tuition and fee increaseson students and their families.
The plans shall be based upon assumptions for achieving adequate base fundingas prescribed by the State Council and shall be aligned with six-yearenrollment projections.
D. In developing such plans, each public institution of higher educationshall give consideration to potential future impacts of tuition increases onthe Virginia College Savings Plan (§ 23-38.75 et seq.) and shall discuss suchpotential impacts with the Plan. The chief executive officer of the VirginiaCollege Savings Plan shall provide to each institution the Plan's assumptionsunderlying the contract pricing of the program.
E. The State Council shall annually review and assess the six-yearinstitutional plans required by this section to determine the degree to whichthe Commonwealth's system of public higher education is meeting statewideeducational needs and objectives, as identified in the State Council'sstrategic plan. The State Council shall identify any disparities between suchinstitutional plans and such statewide needs and objectives and shall makerecommendations for the revision of such plans for consideration by therespective public institutions, the Governor, and the General Assembly.
(2005, cc. 933, 945; 2009, cc. 827, 845.)