§ 23-9.2:3.6. Education preparation programs offered by institutions ofhigher education.
A. Education preparation programs shall be required to meet the requirementsfor accreditation and program approval as prescribed by the Board ofEducation in its regulations.
B. As provided in § 22.1-298.2, the Board of Education shall prescribe anassessment of basic skills for individuals seeking entry into an approvededucation program and shall establish a minimum passing score for suchassessment. The Board also may prescribe other requirements for admission toVirginia's approved education programs in its regulations.
C. Candidates who fail to achieve the minimum score established by the Boardof Education may be denied entrance into the relevant education program onthe basis of such failure; however, if enrolled in the program, they shallhave the opportunity to address any deficiencies.
(2006, cc. 27, 349.)