§ 23-9.2:3.8. Course credit; International Baccalaureate and AdvancedPlacement courses.
A. The governing boards of each public institution of higher education shallimplement policies to grant undergraduate course credit to entering freshmanstudents who have successfully completed one or more InternationalBaccalaureate or Advanced Placement courses. The policies shall:
1. Outline the conditions necessary for the institution to grant coursecredit, including the minimum required scores on examinations for courses inthe International Baccalaureate or Advanced Placement programs; and
2. Identify the specific course credit or other academic requirements of theinstitution that the student satisfies by successfully completing the diplomaprogram.
B. Each public institution of higher education's policies for course creditfor standard and higher level International Baccalaureate courses shall becomparable to its policies for granting course credit for Advanced Placementcourses.
C. The governing boards of each public institution of higher education shallreport to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia the policiesadopted and implemented pursuant to this section, and shall make the policiesavailable to the public on the institution's website.
(2010, c. 598.)