§ 23-115. Appointment of visitors generally; number and eligibility.
The board of visitors is to consist of fourteen members, thirteen of whomshall be appointed by the Governor, and one of whom shall be the President ofthe Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services, ex officio. Of the membersappointed by the Governor, three may be nonresidents. The visitors in theoffice on April 9, 1945, are continued in office until the end of theirrespective terms, or until June 30, 1945, whichever last occurs.
As soon as practicable after April 9, 1945, the Governor shall appoint fourmembers to fill the unexpired portions of the terms which began on July 1,1944, and shall appoint three additional members for new terms of two yearsand two for new terms of four years, each term beginning July 1, 1945. Heshall, in addition, appoint the President of the State Board of Agricultureand Consumer Services as an ex officio member for a term of four years tobegin July 1, 1945; provided that, if the tenure in office as President ofsuch ex officio member expires within that time, the Governor shall appointsuch member's successor to fill the unexpired term. Such President shallremain eligible for appointment as an ex officio member so long as hecontinues in office as President. All appointments for full terms, as well asto fill vacancies, shall be made by the Governor subject to confirmation bythe Senate.
(Code 1919, § 859; 1930, p. 739; 1944, p. 344; 1945, p. 55; 1964, c. 48;1980, c. 559.)