§ 23-118. Officers and committees of the board; officers of the University.
The board of visitors shall appoint from their own body a rector, who shallpreside at their meetings, and, in his absence, a president pro tempore. Theboard may appoint a vice-president of the University and, by appropriateregulations, prescribe his authority, duties, and compensation, if any, andhe shall hold office at the pleasure of the board. The board shall alsoappoint from its membership an executive committee of not less than three normore than six, which, during the interim between board meetings, shall beempowered to exercise all or such part of the powers of the board as theboard may by resolution prescribe. The board may likewise appoint specialcommittees and prescribe their duties and powers. The executive committee,and other committees shall make reports to the board, at its annual meetingor oftener if required, of the acts performed by them from time to time. Theboard shall also appoint a treasurer of the University and may appoint asecretary thereof, and also a clerk to the board, and such other officers,assistants and deputies as they deem advisable to conduct the business andaffairs of the University.
(Code 1919, § 861; 1945, p. 74; 1970, c. 98.)