§ 23-122. Powers and duties of board generally; expenses.
The board shall be charged with the care and preservation and improvement ofthe property belonging to the University, and with the protection and safetyof students and other persons residing on the property, and in pursuancethereof shall be empowered to change roads or driveways on the property orentrances thereto, or to close temporarily or permanently the roads,driveways and entrances; to prohibit entrance to the property of undesirableand disorderly persons, or to eject such persons from the property, and toprosecute under the laws of the state trespassers and persons committingoffenses on the property.
The board shall regulate the government and discipline of the students; and,generally, in respect to the government of the University, may make suchregulations as they deem expedient, not contrary to law. Such reasonableexpenses as the visitors may incur in the discharge of their duties shall bepaid out of the funds of the University.
(Code 1919, § 864; 1924, p. 143; 1970, c. 98.)