§ 23-135.7:13. Statewide Advisory Committee continued as Statewide AdvisoryBoard.
The Virginia Water Resources Research Center Statewide Advisory Committee iscontinued and shall hereafter be known as the Virginia Water ResourcesResearch Center Statewide Advisory Board. The Advisory Board shall serve inan advisory capacity to the Executive Director of the Water Center.Representatives of the Advisory Board shall be appointed by the Governor,subject to confirmation by the General Assembly, and shall include balancedrepresentation from industries; federal, state, and local agencies; wateruser groups; and concerned citizens. The Advisory Board shall (i) recommendpolicy guidelines for implementing the functions of the Water Center andevaluate programs of the Water Center; and (ii) advise and counsel with theExecutive Director of the Water Center and make recommendations to assist himin carrying out the purposes of this article.
(1982, c. 379; 1984, c. 734; 1985, c. 448.)