§ 23-135.7:9. Functions, powers and duties of the Water Center.
A. The Water Center shall: (i) consult with the General Assembly; federal,state and local agencies; water user groups; private industry; and otherpotential users of research; (ii) establish and administer agreements withother universities of the Commonwealth for the conduct of research projects;(iii) [Repealed.] (iv) disseminate new information and facilitate transferand application of new technology; (v) be a liaison between Virginia and thefederal research funding agencies as an advocate for Virginia's waterresearch needs; (vi) encourage the development of academic programs in waterresources management in conjunction with the State Council on HigherEducation.
B. In addition, the Water Center shall facilitate and stimulate researchthat: (i) deals with policy issues facing the General Assembly; (ii) supportsthe state water resource agencies; and (iii) provides water planning andmanagement organizations with tools to increase efficiency and effectivenessof water planning and management.
(1982, c. 379; 1984, c. 734.)