§ 23-142. Establishment, management, etc.
There shall be established and maintained under the management, direction andcontrol of the board of visitors and faculty of the Virginia PolytechnicInstitute and State University, a nautical school for instruction in thescience and practice of navigation, seamanship and engineering and any suchother subjects, to be prescribed by the proper authorities of the University,as may be necessary for proper training for the position of deck orengine-room officers of the merchant marine. Such school shall be open toresidents of the several counties and cities of this Commonwealth, but theauthorities of the University shall have the right to limit the number ofstudents attending the nautical school and to prescribe the necessaryphysical and educational entrance requirements and standards of admissiontherefor, and the government and discipline thereof, and to fix the terms andconditions upon which students shall be received and instructed in the schooland be graduated, discharged and suspended therefrom, and to make allnecessary requirements for its management.
(1932, p. 884; 1938, p. 486; 1973, c. 401.)