§ 23-155.03. Board of Directors.
A Board of Directors shall serve as an advisory body representing localagricultural interests. The Board will consist of five members, all appointedby the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Three of theappointive members shall be selected from the membership of the Associationof Virginia Potato and Vegetable Growers, Incorporated. Two of the appointivemembers shall be selected from the membership of the Virginia Nurseryman'sAssociation, Incorporated. The term of office of the appointive members shallbe four years. The members of the Board shall name one of its memberschairman and three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for thetransaction of business. The Board shall hold at least one meeting annuallyat either the Norfolk or Eastern Shore branch research stations and suchother meetings as may be necessary at times and places as the chairman or anythree members may designate.
(1985, c. 505.)